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Current Location for Classes: 745 Crest Rd. Caldwell - Sand Hollow
We moved Nov 2023 

Multi Subject Class including
Science: Biology : Zoology 
Idaho Geography
Idaho Social Studies
Idaho History
with Idaho as the base in each course subject 
Thursdays 9:00-12:00
ages 5-12 

We will be both together and separate into age groups
The older students will help lead the younger kids in class at times as well as  dividing into groups  according to age for projects & subject according to levels


Multi Subject : Science, History, Geography, Literature, Social Studies with Idaho as the subject 

Ages 5-12​​​​

Session 1:

Sept 5 - First Class
Sept 12
Sept 19
- No Class
Sept 26
Oct 4
Oct 10
Oct 17 
- Last Class

Session 2

Oct 31
Nov 7
Nov 14
Nov 21
Nov 28
- No Class
Dec 5 - Last Class

Register for this class here!

Filling out a registration form is required to attend class and must be done before the first day of class. Please keep in mind that filling out this form does not reserve a spot for your child. Only placing a deposit or paying for the class in full reserves/holds their sp

Session 1

Session 1  Deposit: 

  • Deposits Do Not Hold Early Bird Discounts 

  • Deposits are non-refundable

  • Total Now: $50

  • Deposit is taken off the Full Price Amount

  • Deposits Void the option for Early Bird Discount

Session 1 Full Price: 

  • Early Bird Price Until July 30th  $195

  • Regular Price  $225

Session 1 Balance

  • Session  1

  • Balance amount: $175

  • The balance is the remainder of the full class amount, to be paid after you have paid the deposit

  • Amount due now: $175

Session 2

Session 2 Deposit:

  • Deposits Do Not Hold Early Bird Discounts 

  • Deposits are non-refundable

  • Total Now: $50

  • Deposit is taken off the Full Price Amount

  • Deposits Void the option for Early Bird Discount

Session 2 Regular Price 

  • Session 2

  • Full Price: $190

  • Non-Refundable 

  • By paying for this class in one payment you are avoiding a $10 admin fee

  • Amount due now: $190

Session 2 Balance

  • Balance price: $150

  • This product includes a $10 admin fee. To avoid this fee in the future, you will need to pay for classes in full in one payment

  • Amount due now: $150

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